What are the cheapest days to fly on Southwest Airlines?

Southwest Airlines

What are the cheapest days to fly on Southwest Airlines?

Posted By: Admin 15 Jun, 2022

Southwest Airlines is known for being super cheap. Even with the changes to their rewards program, Southwest has some of the lowest fares in the industry. The trick to getting the cheapest flights is understanding how their fares are calculated and when exactly is the best time to fly on Southwest. There’s a lot that goes into calculating an airline’s cheapest day so we’ll explain it all below. If you happen to be in need of a cheap flight this week, check out these great deals on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. If you’re looking for cheap flight next week, check out these great deals on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of next week!

How Does Southwest Calculate Airline Fare?

Southwest Airlines Flight Booking uses a complex formula to calculate the cost of each flight. While most airlines use average airfares from the previous quarter and average fuel prices from the previous quarter, Southwest uses average airfares from the previous year and average fuel prices for the current quarter. The result is Southwest fares that are usually 5 – 10% lower than other airlines. Southwest Airlines is also one of few airlines that publishes the exact formula they use to calculate fares. The 3 Components of Fare Calculation Pricing: This is Southwest’s cost to operate their flights. Fuel costs and salaries are the two largest components of pricing. Airfares: This is the amount Southwest receives for every seat sold on an airplane. The average cost to a Southwest flight is $5.12 per seat. Southwest’s fare revenue is often much higher than operating costs. Southwest has an operating profit margin of 53.4%. Costs: This is the amount Southwest is required to spend for things like security fees, food for the airplanes, jet fuel, etc. Southwest’s costs are often much lower than other airlines. We’ll explain why below.

Which Days are Cheapest to Fly on Southwest?

Southwest Airlines has cheap flights all week long. Their cheapest flights, however, are toward the end of the week. If there’s a trip you need to take this week, choose a flight toward the end of the week (e.g. Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday). Sunday is always a great day to fly Southwest, as their fares are usually the cheapest. You can sometimes find seats for as little as $59 or $79 on Southwest! Monday is usually a good day to fly Southwest, too, but usually not as cheap as Sunday. They have some great deals around Thanksgiving and the end of the month when everyone is looking to save a few bucks.

How old is the senior fare on Southwest?

Southwest’s senior fares are significantly cheaper than other airlines. Southwest Airlines Ticket Booking has a 65+ discount that gives you a 50% discount on one ticket to any Southwest city. Since this is a one-way discount, you can purchase the ticket for someone who is 65+ and bring them on the same flight with you. The discount is good for Southwest flights only and does not stack with any other discounts. Senior fares are significantly cheaper only for flights within the United States. There is no discount for international flights. If you need to fly Southwest to Mexico or other international destinations, senior fares are not cheaper than the rest of the Southwest fare. The senior fare is available on Southwest flights only. If you need to fly Southwest in a car, bus, or train, you pay the full price.

The Best Time to Book Flinges on Southwest

Most people prefer to purchase Southwest tickets 60 to 90 days in advance. However, we’ve found that Southwest fares are almost always cheaper in advance. If you want to save the most money on Southwest flights, choose a flight 90 days in advance. If you want to choose your own flight dates, you’re best off looking at Southwest flights between 10 and 60 days in advance. If you’re flexible about when you want to fly, you’ll save the most money on Southwest. If you’re looking for the best time to buy Southwest flights, you’ll find that they are almost always cheaper in advance. If you want to find the best deals, choose a flight between 10 and 60 days in advance. The fares are almost always cheaper in advance because Southwest is usually waiting to sell flights until 10 days before the flight is scheduled to depart.

How do I check my status on Southwest Airlines?

In order to check the status of your Southwest flight or a Southwest flight you’re booked on, refer to our article on Southwest’s status checker. When you enter your Southwest flight number and date into the Southwest status checker, you’ll see information about your flight including departure gate and expected departure time (ETA). You’ll also see information about the various factors that could delay your flight. If your Southwest flight is delayed, you can check the Southwest status checker to see what the delay is and how long it will be until you depart. If your Southwest flight is cancelled, you can check the Southwest status checker to see what’s going on with your ticket. Southwest may use terms like “cancelled” or “postponed.” If your Southwest flight is cancelled, you may be able to get a refund or rebook Southwest on another flight.

How do you calculate the cheapest day to fly Southwest Airlines?

We start with the average daily operating costs of Southwest flights. We then subtract the operating costs of the cheapest day to fly in each month to get the cheapest day to fly in a month. For example, the cheapest day to fly in March is May 5. Since Southwest has the lowest operating costs in May, we know that the cheapest day to fly in March is May 5. We do the same thing for Southwest’s operating costs in October. October has the highest average daily cost for Southwest flights, so we subtract the average cost for October to find the cheapest day to fly Southwest in October. With this information, we can calculate the cheapest day to fly Southwest in any given month.

Also, Read: Where can I fly from Hong Kong?


Southwest is a really cheap airline with some of the lowest fares in the industry. The trick to finding the cheapest day to fly Southwest is understanding how their fares are calculated and when exactly is the best time to fly on Southwest. If you happen to be in need of a cheap flight this week, check out these great deals on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. If you’re looking for cheap flight next week, check out these great deals on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of next week!

About Hazel

Hazel Robinson is a professional content writer with 8 years of experience . He has good experience in giving SEO-proof content. He has done a professional content writing course. He engages well in SEO organizing, social media marketing, and content creating. He is specialized in travel content and he enjoys writing it.

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